Sweatty.com Photos
RedPine Island Memorial Weekend 2012.    December 2, 2011

Happy Holidays!! Once the treks to Rainy Lake begin it feels like the summer season is finally upon us . This year we hosted Freddy and Co., first timers and Andy and Co. for a return engagement. Though the weather was rough at times we still were able to sneak in an island walk to Fisherman's Point and the kids had a kayak race around the island with Will pulling off a narrow victory over Ellie who gave him a real run for his money!
David Ekern Ratcliff 1932 - 2011.    December 2, 2011

Amid family, friends and towering mountains, we bid farewell to our dear David E. Ratcliff. A loving kind soul whose spirit touched all who knew him and lives on within all who loved him. Thanks for all the great memories Uncle Dave, I will always remember you.
MS Lacrosse vs. Benilde     April 24, 2012

Another strong victory by the Middle School Lax Squad
Florida 2012     Mar 17, 2012

Harry, Bill, Alexi & Will took a guys trip to Juno Beach Florida for a week of fishing, fun and sun. With great weather, good fishing and heathy living the trip was a fantastic success.
Blake Alpine 2011-2012     Feb 29, 2012

Team had a great season with the Girl's Team finishing 3rd in State and the boys winning their conference. Way to go everybody!
Angie & Debbie's Celebration     August29, 2009

Wow, what can we say...what a party, what a celebration, what great friends. We love you guys! A night to never forget at the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden's Cowles Conservatory.
Stockholm Motorsports, Cokato MN    August 2, 2009

An excellent day of racing with the boys. Thanks for the extra shuttle help Jim.
Malcom & Lorin's big day    May 23, 2008

After a quick flight to Arizona the weekend really took off at the Biltmore Patio Bar with with so many rounds of 1800 Margaritas and Patron Silver shots that even the Bride to be was late to the Grooms Dinner! The weekend continued on in similar fashion with the crowning moment Saturday evening with Camelback Mountain as the backdrop to a magical nuptial event. Great to see so many friends and have so much fun. Love live your happiness Malcom & Lorin.
Breck Class 2013 Retrospect    March 19, 2008

A collection of various Breck photos since about 2003
Girls Night Out (with a few exceptions)    December 5, 2008

Another festive evening with the Kenwood Gang.So much fun.
Happy Halloween    November 1, 2008

The spooks and goblins were all out on Saturday night and they gave us all quite a fright. Thanks Angie & Deb for a great party!
Old Family Photos    July 7, 2006

The begining of the archival process of Sweatt & Lamberton photgraphic record
Happy Birthday Aaron    November 15, 2008

Here's to Aaron raise up your glass, here's to Aaron he's a horses....u hem.. he's got a whole lot of class :-)
Midpines 2008    August 22-25, 2008

Last weekend of summer was spent with family and friends in Hackensack eating, walking, chatting and skiing. We spent most of the days on the waterfront and evenings playing ping pong.What a special place to share good times with good friends and family. Thank You Ian and Kirs for keeping us close. Our prayers go out to Kira and her mother.
Midpines Watersports     August 22-25, 2008

A compilation of much of the shredding that took place over the Midpines weeekend. Ian you really Shred! And don't forget to check out the Flying Squirrel :)
Early Morning Ski in Wayzata Bay    August 15, 2008

What a great life! Freddy & Mike make it out about 3 mornings a weekjune - August to practice their passes. Had a great morning except for my elbow which cut into my left side turns. Freddy looks great and Mike is strong. Thanks guys for a super workout.
Lifetime Fitness June Triathalon

June 29, 2008 Margita enrolled the boys in a junior triathalon in Plymouth, so it was an early morning start getting the family out of the house by 7am and ready to race by 8.The Birkeland boys also joined in the friendly competition and eveyone had a great time, .
2008 Limoncello Release Party

After waiting patiently for nearly two months, the long anticipated 2008 Limocello was released to the world (or at least to this year's Zesters :-) It was fun zesting and even more fun testing! Thanks Angie & Deb, Brad & Di and Tom & Sue. What an excellent two part event.
Spring Break 2006 in Colorado

First Spring Break at Roaring Fork with Birkes. Looks like everyone had fun except for Bill (working at new job).
2007 Bohn's Point Christmas

Christmas time is for family, and again the extended clan make the trek from New York for 5 fun filled cousin focused days in Minnesota. So thankful for these opportunities to see everyone grow up and grow together. Happy New Year to all.
Santa and his Little Helper Come to Town    December 19, 2007

Ho Ho Ho and a jingle bells to you
2007 Girard Christmas

The Chrismas celebration always begins Christmas Eve Dinner on Girard Ave. With family close at hand a focused and reflected event reminds us of the important things in life. Marry Christmas to all. BTW the Deer are in our back yard.
2007 Ecklund Family Holiday Party

Welcome to the 1 Millionth Ecklund Family Holiday Party! The longest attending participant was proudly declared by William Ecklund (guess how many years). The eldest attending member was recognized as Virginia. A great turnout hosted in the recently new and improved home of gracious Hostest & Host Kareen and Bill. With remembrences paid to Lillian, the event was both sweet and sorrowful with the ladies carrying forth a keepsake. We will miss our dear Lillian. Happy holidays to all, be thatnkful for our blessed families.
2006 Ecklund Family Holiday Party

Record attendance was achieved for the 2006 Annual Ecklund Family Gathering the week before Christmas. Many Out-of-Towners, returning family and S.O.s were present to celebrate. In Loving memory: Lillian Klenert Ecklund joined her loving husband Stanley 11/21/07. We miss you.
Happy Birthday Angie!!

What a great occassion to hang with so many awsome people to celebrate another year. The weather was soggy but the spirits were high as all made merry. Happy Birthday Angie,
Summer Fun !

Here are some shots of the Kunhardt cousins during their annual summer migration to Minnesota. What a treat to play for even a few days. We miss you Jessie & Harry!.
Also in town visiting from her home in France is Amelie Garnier a great new friend who is a lovely polite guest. Thanks to Cathy and crew for being such gracious hosts.
More Summer Fun!!

Here are some shots of the Kunhardt cousins during their annual summer migration to Minnesota. What a treat to play for even a few days. We miss you Jessie & Harry!.
Also in town visiting from her home in France is Amelie Garnier a great new friend who is a lovely polite guest. Thanks to Cathy and crew for being such gracious hosts.
Woodhill CC Tennis Banquet 2006

The kids played till after dark (oh for the days when the eyes worked so well), the pros and dads cooked the meat, Mike A.'s ribs were a smashing success! Everyone had a great evening and another tremendous season of junior tennis wrapped up with a huge hit. Thanks to all who made it happen. Bonnie & Decker thank you for a job well done these last four years, your efforts have made a huge impact on everyone.
MGC Tenth Hole

After a great Juniors' Lesson at the MGC, Alexi and Dane decided to have a shoot out on the Tenth Hole. The competition was fierce with both young men swinging it out in a tough neck and neck competition. It looked like "Lex" was going to come out the winner when he was within 5 feet putting for the win when suddenly he choked and pulled short allowing the Dane to pull off a victory!
WBSM Picnic with Tony O.

With all hands on deck, Bill's new volunteering effort for the West Bank School of Music kicked got underway with the help of his trusty side kick Dick and some help from the boys. After moving tents, coolers and supplies to Hidden Falls Park the boys made sandwiches for 100 courtesy of a generous donation from USFood (thanks Tracy!). The event, while a little under attended was lots of fun with great music and highlighted with an appearance by Tony Oliva who charmed the fans with his kind words and fond memories.
Junior Davis Cup Matches 7-28-06

The sun was hot and so was the match play as the Jr. Davis players competed theri hearts out.
Fare Thee Well Charlie...

Monday July 17, 2006 we laid Charles Baxter Sweatt Jr to rest beside his mother and father in Minneapolis. Family gathered to bid him farewell and to tell their stories of how Charlie touched their lives. Take it easy Chuckles and have one for me. Peace out.
Woodhill with Kunhardts

With Kunhardts in town for PopPop's birthday, it was time to hit the pool to cool off from 90+ degree heat of mid-July. Harry demonstarted his new Gainer dive. After dinner the kids had fun playing poker with Lindsey.
Diane's Birthday Bash

Happy Birthday Diane! You are a wonderful friend with so many people that love you so much. We all had a great night keeping in the 2554 Birthday Bash Tradition burning the midnight oil until 3 am! With friends present from as far back as kindergarten, the seventh grade possee strongly represented, with siblings from both sides even from outstate and Judy too, more friends from out-of-state, all hands were on deck to ensure you had a great milestone celebration. We all love you dearly! Happy Birthday.

Printing Pictures
btw - if you want to print any of these pictures, go to the image that you want and right click inside the picture, "save picture as" a .jpeg to your computer then go to the picture file on your computer open it and print it. You printer will then treat it as an image rather than a webpage resulting in a much higher image quality. Also these images are good for 4x6 printing, if you want to go larger, email me at bill at sweatty dot com and I will send you a hi-res.
Diane's Birthday Bonanza

Much like the U.S. bi-centenial celebration began April 19th nearly fifteen months prior to culminating on July 4, 1976, so to is the celebration for Diane's big birthday (only we are starting a few days early). The ship set sail on a three hour cruise that did not end up on the shore of a deserted island but instead in the shade of Boy Scout Island. The passengers were hot and the crew worked hard to fulfill there every thirst and no one was left parched.Happy B-Day Di, we are looking forward to Friday when you get to join the "IM_fody club" ;-) Cheers!
A Swanson Fiesta

How much fun can be had with a Mariachi band, a bunch of Maracas, some fun hats, authentic cuisine, a few cocktails and a whole lot of great friends??? The Swansons can tell you: Tons!! What a fantastic evening poolside with an amazing mix of revellers; and no one even got thrown in the pool! Thanks for including us in your terriffic festivities, it was a fun fiesta.
Burba-Schenck Wedding Ceremony

After great anticipation the day finally arrived for Nick and celeste to tie the knot! The heavens graced us with sunshine as the stunning bridal party prepared for their big moment. All hands were employed to pull off this spectacular event. Congratulations Nick and Celeste, we love you guys! Now its on to hold-outs Ted and Alison ...

Printing Pictures
btw - if you want to print any of these pictures, go to the image that you want and right click inside the picture, "save picture as" a .jpeg to your computer then go to the picture file on your computer open it and print it. You printer will then treat it as an image rather than a webpage resulting in a much higher image quality. Also these images are good for 4x6 printing, if you want to go larger, email me at bill at sweatty dot com and I will email you a hi-res.
Burba-Schenck Reception

With the formal regalia complete, it was time to let the hair down and head off to the bar to celebrate with the bridal party leading the charge! Toasts brought tears of joy and the disco brought out the wild side of all who attended and a great party ensued. Thanks for a wonderful evening. We hope you guys have a fantastic trip to Greece bring us home some pictures!
Nick & Celeste Rehersal Dinner

What a great evening re-aquainting with old friends and meeting new ones. After a successfuly smooth wedding rehersal the Bridal party was ready to let their hair down and kick back at the hotel followed by a lovely dinner filled with stories and toasts, fun times and laughter. Take a tour of the Burba Schenck family Rehersal Dinner in honor of Celeste and Nick's wedding. We will see you with bells on Saturday!
Groom's Poker Night

It was a night to remember as the gang all assembled from across the country to give Nick a chance at $130 and to give him a big send off as he prepares to enter a new phase in his life that includes making a home and a family. The Texas Hold'em battle was fierce with a final showdown between James, Carlos and Reyes who ended up the victor. Thanks Carlos for a great night!
Here comes the Bride (and Groom)

Nick & Celeste sittin' in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love, then come marriage, then comes Nicky in a baby carriage! It was great to see the schenk clan begin to re-form at Margita's back yard bar-b-que in honor of Nick & Celeste's upcoming nuptials. Carly is in from Australia and we were blessed with an appearance by Celeste's sister Alison too. We can't wait for the weekend festivities to begin!
Celeste & Nick's Bridal Bar Shower

It is with love, pride and joy that we co-hosted with Michelle a Bridal Bar Shower for Nick and Celeste and their family and friends to celebrate their coming nuptials. We wish you both all the happiness in the world as you continue your lives together now as a family. We look forward to one day seeing the fruits of your love scampering around our home as well. Best wishes we love you!
A Woodhill Fourth of July

After another beautiful day on the lake with Birks, we loaded up the clan and headed to Woodhill for more holiday fun including Big Splash Contest, yard games, food, friends and fireworks. Now we need a vacation to rest up from the holiday!
Woodhill/Lafayette v. GMMO Swimmeet

Day after the Fourth and the Woodhill swimmers were hard at it putting up a fierce fight against the conglomorate team GMMO: Golden Valley, Medina, Minneapolis and OakRidge. We'll get 'em next time!
Independence Holiday part II

The July Fourth weekend continued in strong form with a return to BoyScout Island this time with Tracy and Fiona on board.
Independence Holiday

The July Fourth weekend started off strong with a nautical adventure with seven kids on board to Boy Scout Island where rope swinging and merry making abounds . What a perfect start to a spectacular weekend. Nice to see Dave S,. Amy and Hugh and to meet Doug and Dana too. Oh and check out the jet skiis.

Oh, did I mention that Bruce now has a "mighty yacht"? The Trifecta is in the water and ready for lot's of fun times. Here is an early jaunt on the high seas of Lake Minnetonka with the Larsons. I can't wait for the 4th! YeeHa!
Woodhill Swim Meet versus Wayzata

Woodhill Swim Meet #1 Versus Wayzata was a blast! Everyone seemed so excited to be back in the pool pulling strokes that they almost forgot how much fun they were having!

To print photos, open a picture that you like and "right click" it then choose "save picture as" to save it to an easy to find location. Now go to the location where you saved the picture and print the file to your photo printer or copy it to a portable device and bring to your photo processor or up load it to your favorite online photo processor (I like kodakgallery.com) Cheers, Bill & Linda!
Nye's Polonaise Express A la Ritten

Get your Polka on! It was a fabulous evening of celebrity and paparazzi as the Ritten's hosted the _first annual_ (who said that?!) Limo Pub Crawl. Ok, so we only went to Runion's and Nye's but what a blast! The cool transportation extended the evening's festivities from Minnetonka to downtown and back again with delicious cocktails and yummy snackables along the way (recipes please!). The stars were aligned as the weather cleared and the gang all appeared. Everyone was in fine form with lots of smiles and funny stories. At the post party we were thankful for Susan's carpet cleaning skills to relieve us of any guilt as we got careless with hot chocolate cookies - we need to get that stuff - you are amazing! Andy we missed you at the Piano Bar wowing the crowd with your vocal prowess. I wish I had a pic! Thanks guys for thinking of us at the auction, it was a wonderful thoughtful evening of friendship! Can't wait for the next adventure!
Linda's Birthday

She just keeps getting better!

Happy Birthday sweetheart. I love you!
Woodhill Tennis 6-16-06

First match play of the season and all players were in motion ready for another heart pounding season of courtsmanship.
William's 8th Birthday!!

Happy Birthday buddy boy!

I hope you had a fun filled three day celebration with family & friends and of course Sushi, cake and Bar-B-Q.
Wayzata Cotillion

Who says learning dance and etiquette can't be fun?? Certainly nobody here as evidenced by the many smiles.
Berry Lake Friday & Saturday 2006

The most amazing weather we have had in years! The kids spent the entire weekend in the water. Lots of fish biting - still a little small for the most part, but we are patient. Welcome Back Bob & Melissa, he boys had a great time with Belle and Amanda.
Berry Lake Sunday 2006

With only a minor fireworks incident at the waterfront everyone had a blast. I have never felt so much anticipation for a great Memorial weekend. Oh and no visit to BLL would be complete with out a friendly visit from the local authorities =8->
Berry Lake Monday

The end of one of the best years at BLL. See you next year! (Michael too!)
Skip & Michelle's Extravaganza Bar None

Skip & Michelle pulled out all the stops and laid down a spread that will be hard to forget. From the hors d'oeuvre buffet to the perfectly cooked Ribs and Crunchy Raman Cole Slaw the table was set for a perfect evening of fun topped off with an exhilarating round of charades fireside on the patio with perfect weather and fun friends. Thanks Skip & Michelle - we had so much fun can we come back next week too? ;-)
Greek Lamb Cookout

1996 while playing in Greece with our friends we had a great cook out with whole lamb. Thank god for wonderful memories, we have not done this enough since ;-(
Diva Noir

The gang went Glam for Diva Noir and the girls took a strut down the catwalk. A fabulous evening with Bruce & Di in fine form, what great hosts they are. Thanks a ton we had a ball!
Ann and John Reception

December Tenth we found ourselves celebrating the nuptials of Ann Ferreira and John Resiner. All hands were on deck at the Calhoun Beach Club to dance the night away. Congratulations guys, we wish you many happy years together!
Moonrise & Bonfire on Redpine Island

Ok, so I forgot to put up these cool pictures from our "hunting" trip. one set is from a breath taking moonrise taken from the dock on Red Pine. The second set is from an afternoon of work clearing dead wood from around the tent site and the ridge to the backside of the Island. We burned a massive amount of brush that lasted for about two hours. It is so nice to have clear pathways and woods for the kids to run around now.

After an absolutely amazing fall, Halloween closed out October with another stellar day. The kids were pumped for an exhilarating night out on the town scavenging for treats where ever they could find them; what a treat! Lake of the Isles neighborhood did not disappoint with lots of friends, full sized candy bars and scary haunted garages! Happy Birthday wishes were delivered to our buddy Skip whose mother delivered either a trick or a treat many years ago this day ;-)
Char's Wedding

Like rolling "Box Cars" in Vegas, Char and Eric "Hit The Jackpot" with a fabulous October wedding! The sun was shining upon them as they shared their vows in a beautiful outdoor setting. All who attended were ready to roll when the kiss was planted and the happy couple sashayed to their nearby reception where the buffet was over the top and the music trippin'. A fun and fantastic feast ensued with lot's of family and friends dancing the night away. Congratulations and best wishes!
Labor Day 2005 0n RedPine Island

Closing out Summer over Labor Day weekend on RedPine Island with Grandparents and kids is a tradition in our family not soon to be omitted. Saturday was perfect, Sunday windy and Monday a bit damp but not in spirit. The kids spent much of the time outdoors bartering crystals that they "mined" for weapons made from sticks and driftwood at their "Trading Posts". First time up for Diane and Soren while it was a return visit for both Bruce and Dane who are veterans of the occasional Junior Fishing Trip. We celebrated good health and many more years with good food, fine wine and incomparable company. Harry & Ginny were in rare form and fun was had by all. Happy 70th Mom, Happy 50th Mom & Dad, Happy 42nd Bruno and 44th for me! We can't wait to do it again (in fact I think I am heading back up the Sept. 16th for mens' hunting - watch out waterfowl & get ready WRC!
Mn Landscape Arboretum Garden Dedication

Minnesota Landscape Arboretum dedicated a garden in the memory of our dear departed Mardy. Thank you Rolf for the photos.
Suzies Sips'n'Dips

August 13th the weather was fair and the ladies were more glowing than the warm sunset views from Susan's new deck. Despite the shells-on shrimp (that Robbie and I quickly dispatched) the offerings were more than delicious and the company most entertaining! Thanks for the fun new dress Suze, we love you!
Birke' Boat Tour

August 10th found us all out cruising lake Minnetonka enjoying the mild weather and pleasing sights of a mid summers eve boat tour complete with a interestingly diverse mix of company. Post cocktails at North Coast made the evening complete. Thanks for a lovely night!

National Night Out Against Crime August Second had its inauguration to Spruce Trail. With neighbors from around the area the community get together was a hit! Thanks to all of our dedicated Public Forces who help to keep our city safe!
Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Gala

Saturday July 30, saw the return of the Annual Wildlife Rehabilitation Center Gala. This year hosted at another historic home on the shores of Wayzata Bay. What a beautiful evening complete with stunning sunset and an all star cast of supporters who came out en vogue for a Great Gatsby themed celebration.
Adios Bill, Hillary, Sam and Tollen

On Thursday July 28th we bid farewell to out friends Bill, Hillary, Sam and Tollen. The weather was perfect for the large contingent of merry makers who gathered to bid adieu. Thank you for a wonderful evening we had a terrific time, you will be missed!
Woodhill Pool Party

Lilly was out in force for the mid summer pool party. From pool deck escapades to roof top action fun was had by all.Another great turn out for a super event.
Woodhill 3-Holers Jr. Golf Tournament

On Friday July 29th the boards were written and the 2005 Three Holers set out for a tough morning round. Again the competition was fierce with good shots played by all.Congratulations on a great year of golf. Also thank you coaches for your wisdom and expertise1
Woodhill Tennis

July 228 & 29, 2005 Woodhill Tennis. This is a quick and dirty batch of Woodhill Tennis.
Woodhill Junior Champs Swimming

July 27, 2005 Woodhill Junior Champs Quick and Dirty.
Woodhill Junior Golf Tournament

July 26, 2005 The boards were set and the Juniors hit the green as the Annual Woodhill Junior Golf Tournament got underway. With stiff competition from a host of fierce competitors the morning was all great drives, chips and puts. In the end Matthew walked away the victor with a 59! Congratulations to all for a great game and super sportsmanship.
Crystal Bay Cocktails and Canapes

July 23, 2005 The weather was fair and the company hot as a beautiful evening sunset over the a terrific cocktail party hosted on Crystal Bay. All were in fine form and the hosts were marvelous. What a wonderful evening, thank you John & Sarah.
Chris & Shelley

July 16, 2005 we partied the night away on Bohn's Point celebrating the marriage of Chris & Shelley. The heavens smiled upon us as the evening was absolutely perfect (albeit a little warm - but isn't that what pools are for??) Ipso Facto soothed the night away with their smooth tropical rhythms. Thank goodness for late night leftovers, the shrimp toast hiding in the oven did not last long! Wishing you many years of happiness and joy together. We love you guys!
Margita's Triathlon

On Saturday July 16th, Margita competed in the Lifetime Fitness Minneapolis Triathlon. She finished the long swing in the top ten for her age group and finished overall in the top 20% for women on the long course. Congratulations Margita - you did it Super Sport!

The weekend of July 9th the Greater Sweatt Family reunited with "long lost cousins" across the country gathering to say farewell to a dear member. Out of sadness rose joy as the next generation discovered each other. Sunday was spent poolside with a wonderful luncheon and lots of play. It was great to connect with family and friends not seen in many years. We anxiously look forward to an August return visit!

May 20th we celebrated the union of Mark and Lucia as they joined in matrimonial bliss. What a perfect day to start a new life together! Best Wishes to you both for a happy adventure.
Linda's Birthday

June 16 was a day to remember as a few friends gather to wish Linda a Happy Birthday. Thank you Diane & Bruce for a lovely evening!
Berry Lake Saturday

On Friday May 27th We drove past Rice Lake Wisconsin almost to the sleepy town of Birchwood where we met our friends for the Annual Berry Lake Memorial Weekend. In attendance we had 4 Birkelands, 4 Sweatts, 3 Bacuals, 1 Labhard, and 3 Molinars. What a crew! After a wild evening of night fishing and game playing on Friday, it was time to start the weekend with lots of breakfast fishing tackle lessons and good cheer with great friends.
Berry Lake Sunday

Sunday was beautiful!
Berry Lake Monday

And so was Monday!
Alma's Birthday

On March 25th, 2005 we gathered at the Woodhill Barn to honor Alma and help her celebrate 90 years. Thank you Alma for your love and care these last 75 years! You are mother to so many; Happy Birthday we love you!
All Hallows' Eve

On October 31st 2004 we toured Kenwood playing all sorts of tricks and looking for treats. The kids were the big winners of the night scoring heavy bags of serious booty!.
Fall Hunting 1

The Fall Hunting Trip to Redpine Island is always a highlight of the year for me. Often far too short a trip; this is day one of a long weekend with good friends. Many beers drunk as well as fine scotches and wine. Many rounds shot sometimes too often not so many birds seen. Always look forward to next year's adventure.
Fall Hunting Trip Day Two
Dick & Josh
Here are some more pictures from day two of the Annual Fall Hunting trip. The sun was shining and no birds were flying but we sure had a great nap on the rocks of Blind Bay.
Ice Fishing for Crappies
Spring Ice Fishing on Lake Independence
The weather was amazing and the company even better! What a beautiful day we all had fishing on Lake Independence while visiting our friends Oscar, Owen and Tracy. We love your new house and are very excited for the house warming party. Cheers!
Pumpkin Hunting
Mountains of pumpkins and bales of hay made for a great and glorious day. Everybody looks forward to the annual outing to hunt for the perfect pumpkin! Can you guess who got the biggest one?
Pumpkin Carvers Extraodinaire!!
Pumpkin Carving
Beware the evil pumpkin incarnations sculpted by master carvers Alexi & William. Behold their eerie creations and marvel at the Jack'O'Lantern headed ghouls.
My Valentines
Happy Valentine's Day ;-)
February is for lovers and here are some of my lovlies. We gathered at the Woodhill Barn on Feb. 14 for a fine meal and plenty of good lovin'. Alexi & William practiced their Paddle Tennis skills learned during this Winter's clinic. What great racqueteers they have become!
Christmas 2005

Christmas has once again come and gone. What is left of the fancy wrappings and beautiful bows is the memory of another great year together as a family experiencing the circle of life as the youngsters continue to grow older and the elders continue to share their wisdom and love. We wish all a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. Thank you for visiting.
Ecklund Family Christmas 2005

Ho Ho Ho!! It was another Merry Ecklund Christmas at Dick and Sue's. Unbelievable how many years they have put up with our shenanigans and kept smiling through out the entire night. Santa made a surprise appearance to hand out candy to the children (...some of them were awfully big for kids). It is truly amazing watching everyone grow up and grow older every year. Some who were wee little ones a few years ago are now beautiful swans ready to fledge and fly off to college. Others needed a little more help to make it to the party this year but once there did not want to leave until it was all over! Thank goodness for the "Old Guard" they have been such a great influence for all to model after. This year we were blessed with the presence of Lucia and Lillian the family's oldest soldiers of love. Passed members of this crew who we miss this year are Bill Townes, Al & Margaret and Arnie & Katherine. Reaching further back it is important to remember the love and friendship of Mittis, Kay & Frank and Stanley. Thanks Dick & Sue we'll see you next year at Ginny & Harry's.

** The pictures on this site are suitable for printing 4x6 pictures. Download the image file to your computer (right click image > save as) and then print it. If you want a larger print I will need to send you a larger file. If you need any help send me a note to bill at sweatty dot com.
Ecklund Family Christmas Gathering 2004

Well, I suppose "better late than never" applies here, as these are images from _last_ year's Ecklund Family Holiday Party hosted by Tricia and Rob after finally completing their extensive renovation. What a beautiful new home! Thanks for having us all over to mess it up ;-) we had a great time and can't wait until this year's party at Dick & Sue's. Cheers!
Ecklund Family Christmas Gathering 2003

Well, I suppose "better late than never" applies here, as these are images from the 2003 Ecklund Family Holiday Party hosted by Linda and Bill. We are glad that everyone was able to make it including Santa Claus!
Ecklund Family Christmas Gathering 2000

Well, I suppose "better late than never" applies here too, as these are images from the 2000 Ecklund Family Holiday Party hosted by Dick and Sue, will they ever retire their title as Ecklund Family Party Co-Champions (along with Bill and Kareen)? We look forward to a repeat in a couple of weeks!
October on Redpine Island
Tranquility Bay
Peace in the North Woods was momentarily interrupted by a couple of goofballs with a bacon-basted White Castle Slider-stuffed Turkey. It was not all fun and games as we did go hunting.
July on Redpine

What a great visit to the Island! We had nice walks with Mom & Dad and some pleasant swims in the bay. The Eagles have moved their nest from the South Ridge to a cove on the North East side. After one juvenile fell from the nest and was unable to fly back up his sibling jumped down also and kept him company grounded for weeks until they were able to take to the air. They luckily escaped any land born predators.
Winter Birthday People
February 4th signals Bouky's Birthday. The following day marks the anniversary of our first born Alexi. It is amazing to think he has been with us for ten years, another ten and he will be graduating from college! Where does the time go? We cherish the moments and will never forget the wondrous experience of watching our children grow to manhood.
Best of Arizona Trip

At the end of November Margita, Angelos and I took a trip to Arizona to visit our friends Bill and Lorin. While we were there we went to all sorts of fun parties and clubs and met all sorts of fun people. We visited Flagstaff in the snow the Grand Canyon and then Sedona. What a super memorable adventure !!
Gita's Birthday

After a fine meal prepared by her loving mother and a cake presented by her favorite Nephews Alexi & William Margita's birthday celebration moved on to Northeast Minneapolis to Elsie's where were joined by pals Ann, Anne, John & Rob to help cheer on another year passing with a bit of Karaoke (we spectated) and some Primo Bowling. Margita walked away with a signed with love reminder of the day. Happy Birthday!
It's a Kunhardt Christmas !!

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
A Redpine LaborDay

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Easter Boys

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Angelos Mpls Visit 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Angelos Visit 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Sprirt Mountain 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.
Spririt Mountain 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua.